APPLY NOW: New Learning Series on Midwifery Business Case Development in Medicaid

The Institute for Medicaid Innovation (IMI) has launched a national learning series addressing the essential elements of midwifery business case development to provide services to Medicaid enrollees. The project utilizes an interactive virtual, salon-style format, bringing together Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) focused, Medicaid-serving midwives and midwifery practices with national experts in business development, Medicaid, and midwifery.

The series will touch on a myriad of topics including reimbursement rates, adoption of innovative payment models, expansion of service delivery models, and advancement of policies to increase access to midwifery care. Selected participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to articulate the business value of midwifery and make a data-driven case towards advancing their goal.

The new learning series will consist of monthly, free 60-minute web-based sessions for all midwives including CNMs, CMs, CPMs, LMs, and students who are practicing in all settings. These sessions will provide the information and tools necessary to develop and disseminate 1) a data driven state-of-midwifery report for their state and individual clinical practice, 2) a solid business plan informed by data with a clear return on investment, and 3) a strategy to obtain an alternative payment model arrangement for their practice that is financially sustainable and achieves outcome metrics.

Up to 50 individual midwives and midwifery practices will be chosen through an application process that will open on January 13th. Learn more about session topics and dates here.

This program is made possible by support from Yellow Chair Foundation.

 About the Institute for Medicaid Innovation 

The Institute for Medicaid Innovation (IMI) is a national 501(c)3 nonprofit, nonpartisan research and policy organization that provides independent information and analysis to inform Medicaid policy and improve the health of the nation.