Scholarships and Grants

The Bigger Table Fund

NACPM's Bigger Table Fund supports a diverse CPM workforce by offering financial assistance to student midwives of color, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA2S+ individuals. The fund covers the NARM examination fee, retest fees, and one-time state licensing fees, aiming to eliminate financial barriers hindering entry into the CPM profession.

With a commitment to addressing limited access for people of color and enhancing diversity in the midwifery workforce, NACPM responds to community requests and feedback. Quarterly distributions of $3,000 occur through a lottery system, with a maximum individual award of $1,000.

The  Relocation Support Grant for Certified Professional Midwives (CPM)/ Certified Midwives (CM)

The Relocation Support Grant assists Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs) or Certified Midwives (CMs) who have relocated due to their spouse's or domestic partner's military orders for a Permanent Change of Station (PCS). Designed to alleviate financial burdens associated with re-licensing, the grant covers actual costs for obtaining a midwifery license in the new state, including application and examination fees. Eligibility requires proof of PCS orders, and the grant amount, not exceeding $500 per person per PCS, varies based on state-specific licensing fees.

Tanya Khemet Taiwo Midwifery Student Scholarship Fund

NACPM is committed to fostering diversity in the CPM workforce and addressing limited access to care for Black and Indigenous communities. The Tanya Khemet Taiwo Midwifery Student Scholarship Fund, launched in 2022, honors Dr. Taiwo's legacy and aims to increase the number of Black and Indigenous midwives.

This fund supports second and third-year Black and Indigenous midwifery students in MEAC-accredited programs, providing financial aid for tuition and related educational expenses. The application deadline is December 10th, 2023. To apply, submit proof of enrollment, academic standing, and an essay addressing steps or initiatives to enhance CPMs' capacity to serve a more diverse population.

Birth Future Foundation (BFF)

Birth Future Foundation (BFF) is proud to launch their 4th grant making cycle: Watering the Seeds: Midwifery Capacity and Community Care Grant. This cycle, we invite midwives and midwifery students that align with our Mission & Vision to apply. BFF will be partnering with Baby Yams to ensure this and future grants get all the support and funding needed to continue the work BFF is known for. Baby Yams, a company launched by Tatyana Ali, is supporting this grant with proceeds from the sales of baby quilts purchased on Baby Yams supports Black and Indigenous birth workers uniquely positioned to give us the care we need.

Rebekah Knapp Scholarship for Education Expenses

The Rebekah Knapp scholarship has been established to provide financial support for the necessary education expenses of a birth professional in initial or supplemental training. This purpose directly aligns with the association’s vision and mission by supporting and equipping the recipient for their chosen profession.

Biddy Mason Scholarship and Financial Aid

The Biddy Mason Scholarship and Financial Aid, advised by Black Midwives Advisory Group and sponsored by Californians for the Advancement of Midwifery offers Black identified midwife students, recently graduated midwives and newly licensed midwives living in and planning to serve California families scholarships. Specifically for students in California enrolled in a Medical Board of California approved midwifery program, and who have a preceptor agreement or CPMs who have graduated from a Medical Board of California approved program, and have applied or are soon to apply for a California midwife license (within last 6 months), or Newly licensed midwife (within last year).

Bumi Sehat Foundation International

The Peaceful Midwifery Scholarships are critical to improving health outcomes as much as generating peace, one midwife and one birth at a time. By educating these women, each one is being empowered as an individual, improving the quality of life for her, her family, and her village. At the moment of birth, a midwife holds the space for one woman and one baby (sometimes more!) as they move through the journey of birth life into the world. Birth may be a short journey, but the love and energy through that process stays with a mother and her child for a lifetime, please contact:

AABC Diversity + Inclusion Scholarships

Birth AABC understands the importance of increasing access to birth center care for all families and increasing access to education for all providers. Racial health disparities in perinatal care are devastating many communities. We know it’s our responsibility to address this failure of the US healthcare system and the history of the birth center movement which has too often centered white, affluent, straight women.

We offer Diversity + Inclusion Scholarships to Members of the Global Majority*, LGBTQIA+ folks, and people with disabilities. AABC seeks to expand access and lower barriers to entry through these scholarships for AABC education programs.

Amy Ellen Polk Memorial Scholarship

Application Deadline: March 10, 2025

This scholarship was developed in memory of Amy Ellen Polk, a devoted wife, dedicated mother of two, talented transportation engineer, and passionate and outspoken advocate for a Takoma Park, Maryland-based birthing center.

The annual scholarship provides a tuition grant for a How to Start a Birth Center Workshop offered by the American Association of Birth Centers. If the recipient attends an in-person workshop, an additional $500 is awarded for travel expenses.

Lisa Ross Memorial Scholarship

Application Period will open May 15, 2025

The Lisa Ross Memorial Scholarship, named in honor of Lisa Ross, an early pioneer in the development of birth centers, provides the registration fee for the AABC Birth Institute, the annual convention of the American Association of Birth Centers, as well as a $500 stipend for travel and lodging. In 2025, the Birth Institute will be held in Portland, Oregon.

Note: The Lisa Ross Memorial Scholarship award does not include registration to the How to Start a Birth Center Workshop.

Since 2004, the AABC Foundation has awarded the scholarship to midwives and administrators practicing in birth centers and full-time midwifery students with the desire to work in a birth center. Over the years, the scholarship has helped promising clinicians, administrators, and students find their place and grow in the world of birth centers.