Donate to NACPM

There are many ways for you to support the work of NACPM!

Membership is available for midwives, students, friends and supporters who wish to support and become involved in the work of the organization. As a member, you pay a modest annual fee, which helps contribute to our operating costs. You also participate in our work through engaging in member communications, social media, webinars, volunteer opportunities, NACPM’s Virtual Annual Meeting, outreach to your Congress members in support of NACPM’s policy agenda, and other special events.

Financial contributions to  the operating costs of NACPM are always welcome. We can accept non-deductible donations directly using the link above as well as deductible donations and donor advised funds through our fiscal sponsor.

Spread the word about the work of NACPM by joining our mailing list, following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and inviting your friends and colleagues to do the same.

Finally, we ask you to keep in touch with us! Many of you are engaged on the ground in your states, advocating for midwives and for the childbearing people we serve. Tell us about the challenges and opportunities you face on a local and regional level, so that we, as your national professional organization, can better serve CPMs across the country.

Thank you for all that you do, and for your ongoing support of NACPM.