Climate and Environmental Effects on Perinatal and Reproductive Health
The editors of the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health (JMWH) are soliciting manuscripts that address the effects of climate and environment on perinatal and reproductive health care for upcoming JMWH continuing education (CE) offerings. Accepted manuscripts may be published in a theme issue or as stand-alone CE articles.
The following manuscript types will be considered: Reviews, Innovations from the Field, Quality Improvement Reports, Clinical Rounds case reports, Original Research, and Commentaries. Descriptions of the JMWH types of articles can be found in the Journal’s instructions for authors at All manuscripts should include a discussion of how the topic contributes to health equity.
Please send a brief description of your proposed manuscript topic and type of article to Melissa Avery, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN, JMWH Editor-in-Chief, by July 31, 2022 at The JMWH editors will evaluate the proposals and advise authors of their suitability. Authors whose proposals are accepted commit to submit a manuscript on that topic to JMWH. The deadline for initial manuscript submission is September 1, 2022.
There is interest in topics focusing on climate change and environmental health; manuscripts on general climate effects on health as well as manuscripts specific to perinatal and reproductive health effects, specific effects for marginalized communities, midwifery education innovations related to climate and environmental health and related topics are welcome. Manuscripts should include implications for clinical practice and systems change, policy action, or education and research as well as broader calls to action.
Possible examples include:
Overall review of climate effects on general health
Climate effects on perinatal health
Climate effects on reproductive health
Specific issues related to environmental health disparities, environmental justice, or environmental equity
Responsibilities of health care providers to effect policy related to climate change
Global issues on climate change and health
Climate related and other disasters and effects on perinatal and reproductive health
Specific issues related to persons in marginalized communities
Innovations in curricula in midwifery education programs related to climate
Educational approaches to help patients adapt to changing climate
Menstrual products that support the environment (possibly a Clinical Rounds manuscript on Diva cups)
Well water issues including safety during pregnancy, health counseling
Disasters and effects on perinatal health
Micro disasters such as a local chemical spill into area water and appropriate actions and precautions
Issues related to climate refugees, what to take when evacuating and potential effects on health
Your idea!