ICM Board Elections 2023

The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) is seeking new, competent candidates for its Regional Board Members to direct the vision, mission and strategy of ICM. The ICM Board comprises a President, Vice-President, and Treasurer and 6 Regional Board Members. The ICM Board is appointed by the ICM Council and serves a three-year term (with possibility of one tenure renewal). With the endorsement of their Midwives’ Association, any midwife may put themselves forward for nomination. 

ICM’s Mission is to strengthen Midwives Associations and to advance the profession of midwifery globally by promoting autonomous midwives as the most appropriate caregivers for childbearing woman and in keeping birth normal, in order to enhance the reproductive health of women, and the health of their newborn and their families. 

For more information visit Internationalmidwives.org