Thank you for applying to NACPM's Bigger Table Fund!

NACPM is committed to:

  • investing in a strong CPM workforce that is racially, ethnically, and socially representative that can meet the needs of all childbearing people;

  • ensuring that native families have access to the services of Indigenous CPMs * opposing the oppression of LGBTQ people, including homophobia, transphobia, and violence based on sexuality, gender expression, and family structure;

  • understanding and addressing the compound negative impact of oppression on marginalized childbearing people with multiple intersecting identities.

The Bigger Table Fund seeks to remove some of the financial barriers for student midwives of color, indigenous midwives and/or LGBTQ to become CPMs. These barriers include: (1) the initial NARM exam fee, (2) the NARM re-take fee or (3) state licensure fees. We recognize that there are multiple barriers beyond the NARM exam and state licensure fees that student midwives encounter, and it is our ardent intention to grow this fund in the coming years to help defray some of those additional expenses.

The name of the fund derives from two different sources. One is the quote: “When you have more than you need, build a bigger table not a higher fence.” The underlying premise being that we need less isolation, more community, and greater abundance for all. We know that sustainability is an issue for many, if not most CPMs; nevertheless, we recognize that there is an unfair and inequitable distribution of resources for education and entry into practice due to the systemic forces of racism, colonialism, homophobia, and transphobia. The fund’s name is also a reference to the quote: “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” We know that inclusion matters and that the future of midwifery and access to safe, compassionate, and culturally responsive care for all childbearing people depends on who has a seat at the table. So we’re seeking to expand ours.

October 2018 marked the official launch of the fund! We have $3,000 available per cycle. The maximum individual award is $1,000.

If an applicant is able to accept less than the full amount, please indicate that in the application so that the funds may stretch father. Funds will be sent directly to the award recipients.

Please note that those applying for funds toward the initial NARM exam or a re-take of the NARM exam must submit verification of eligibility from NARM as part of the application. Additionally, those applying for funds toward state licensure fees must indicate the exact fee amount as part of the application and submit verification of their CPM certification.

Important Dates

  • Application Deadlines January 15, April 15, July 15, October 15 2020

  • Bigger Table Fund Award Announcement Days February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1

Application Review Process

All applications are reviewed for completeness and will then be entered into a lottery. Each completed application is assigned a random number. On Bigger Table Fund Announcement Day, each applicant will receive notification of their lottery result via email. Those who are not receiving funds in this cycle will be invited to re-apply for the next funding cycle. We look forward to being in contact with you on Bigger Table Fund Announcement Day!