
Laura Perez, LM, CPM

from California writes: “When I learned that I had a womb, I became a feminist. When I learned that there were people actively trying to control and colonize my womb, I became a reproductive freedom and rights activist. And when I learned what a midwife was, I decided to become one. I suppose I need to be mindful about what I learn about since these things tend to shape my life. Some of the things I’ve done include being a member of the Women of Color Organizing Project with CARAL, being a co-founder of Exhale, a national multilingual after abortion counseling talk line, and being a regional rep for CAM, the California Association of Midwives. I’ve taught well over a hundred medical students how to do women-centered and comprehensive breast and pelvic exams as a Gynecological Teaching Associate, using my own aforementioned womb and breasts as teaching tools. I’ve done volunteer and paid doula work on and off for the past 13 years. And I’m an apprentice trained Certified Professional Midwife, a Licensed Midwife, with my own practice, and one of only two midwives of color based in San Francisco. I’m proud to identify as a working class immigrant of Native and Latin American heritage. My partner and I are also parents to a seventh grader who owns our hearts.”