MAMA Campaign Virtual Meeting
All stakeholders were invited to participate in a discussion of the current initiative to secure Medicaid reimbursement for all licensed CPMs. A brief update on the direction and current status of the initiative was followed by an open discussion of questions and concerns raised by stakeholders.
The Midwives and Mothers in Action (MAMA) Campaign’s initiative to secure federal recognition for CPMs and to mandate federal Medicaid coverage for CPM services was launched in 2009. This past year, building on the encouraging new momentum for state licensure for CPMs as a result of the recent US MERA collaborative agreements, a new strategy aligning the federal bill with the US MERA agreements has brought new life, new allies and new bipartisan Congressional interest to this initiative. However, this strategy has also raised questions and concerns about how a bill that includes language regarding completion of accredited programs or NARM’s Bridge Certificate will impact CPMs.