Inside Look at the 2016 Election Results and What it Could Mean for CPMs and Maternity Care

1.5 MEAC CEUs Available
Thursday, December 14, 2016

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What do the national election results, the new make-up of key Congressional committees, new cabinet and federal agency appointments, and the agenda priorities of the new administration mean for health policy in the U.S. over the next four years?  Of the priorities of the new administration, which are most likely to be achieved and which will face obstacles to implementation?  How will proposed changes to the Affordable Care Act and other federal programs impact maternity care?  How will CPM priorities for federal recognition be affected as the political landscape changes?  Are you feeling lost and eager for answers to your questions about what all of these changes will mean for you and what you care most about?


Billy Wynne of Thorn Run Partners, NACPM health policy consultant and federal lobbyist, presented an analysis of  information from a myriad of sources in Washington, DC and elsewhere, and shone a light on what we can expect after the presidential inauguration in January 2017.

Download Billy Wynne’s presentation slides

Download Thorn Run Partner’s Health Policy Issue Brief on ACA Repeal