Best Practices for Risk Management for CPM Practice

1.5 MEAC CEUs Available
May 3, 2016

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David Pulley, Vice President of OneBeacon Professional Insurance, joined us to discuss all aspects of liability as it relates to midwives, including home birth practices and birth center-based practices. Participants learned about the background of liability, including the difference between criminal and civil liability, as well as the basic legal theories of negligence. David reviewed many best practices to help minimize liability, including documentation of the medical record; responsibilities as a business owner including additional liability concerns; reviewing processes and action plans; reporting of adverse events to appropriate parties; transporting mothers and/or infants; and collaboration with physicians. In addition, David presented the E-Discovery requirements to help midwives better understand the complexities of lawsuits. A discussion of past claims, including causes and allegations of lawsuits was examined. Please view the recording below and scroll to the bottom of the page for CEU information.